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We Made the Top 100 Realtors on Social Media in 2018 in the US & Canada!

Stephanie Cole Patterson

Stephanie grew up bouncing back and forth from a small town south of St...

Stephanie grew up bouncing back and forth from a small town south of St...

Jul 13 2 minutes read


Thank you PropertySpark for including us amongst this incredible group!

It's no secret the impact and growth social media has taken in the world of Real Estate. It's no longer a "nice to have" in your marketing campaign for a's an absolute must

We saw this shift coming several years ago and made the business decision to focus heavily on building our social media presence for our clients so we'd have a strong platform to showcase their homes, reach new audiences, and engage with consumers in real time. In our opinion, there's no better way to show off a home than through video, photography, and 3D tours. The social media world seems to be ever-changing and we LOVE experimenting with new and fresh ways to gain exposure and break through the clutter. Whether its Facebook Live, Instagram Stories, Professional Videos, or IGTV...we are making sure we take advantage on behalf of our clients. We are also dedicated to providing fresh content that we feel our clients and viewers will find helpful and insightful. It's definitely not all serious business...our best posts and videos are typically bloopers :).

To keep us on our toes and continually challenged, we measure our efforts against the elite in the business on a national scale. Through our business relationship with Curaytor, a powerhouse marketing company that we've been working with for over a year now, we are able to ensure we bring the most effective and impactful marketing available to our clients.

PropertySpark researched hundreds of real estate agents’ social media channels and went through a certain process to select the best. We are so happy to have made the list! We look forward to another year and can't wait to see what the future of social media holds.

Check out the complete article here